PC003-612 – Pastoral Skills and Methods

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will

Know and understand

  • Demonstrate developing knowledge and understanding of pastoral skills and methods, including the methods and standards of professional, safe and ethical practice.

Be able to

  • Identify the aims and methods of pastoral care
  • Analyse the skills and methods of pastoral care
  • Demonstrate skill in applying the methods of pastoral care
  • Present analytical evidence-based perspectives on pastoral skills and methods

Be in a position to

  • Apply perspectives and skills from ‘Pastoral Skills and Methods’ to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts


Section A: Pastoral Skills and Methods (40%)

  • An introduction to aims and methods in pastoral care and pastoral counselling and their implications for Christian community.
  • Relational skills; empathy, respect, concreteness, genuineness; listening skills.
  • Equipping others; teaching, encouragement, recognition of abilities, training.
  • Mechanics of care; administration, publicity, the various settings of care, record-keeping.

Section B: Pastoral Care in Particular Situations (60%)

In the topics studied below, attention should be paid not only to the needs of those in care but the carers’ own lives.

  • Pastoral care of persons with special needs, including:
    • the recognition of normal and abnormal conditions;
    • the mentally ill;
    • handicapped and disabled persons.
  • Pastoral care of people in the following situations:
    • marital disharmony and divorce;
    • dying, death and bereavement; the grief process;
    • depression.
  • Pastoral care of those in crises, or with chronic conditions. Students study two of:
    • alcoholism & drug dependence
    • attempted suicide
    • long-term illness
    • child abuse and domestic violence
    • AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases
    • unemployment and work related stress
    • those in trouble with the law
    • financial or debt-related stress
  • Community resources for pastoral care, including other helping professions; when to refer.