OT002-512 – Old Testament Prophets and Writings

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will

A. Know and understand

Demonstrate Foundational knowledge and understanding of the contents, themes and character of the Prophetic books and the Writings

B. Be able to

1. Outline the content and character of the Prophetic books and Writings

2. Describe cultural, historical, religious and literary influences on the Prophetic books and Writings

3. Present Organised evidence-based perspectives on the themes and theology of the Prophetic books and Writings

C. Be in a position to

1. Relating perspectives from ‘Old Testament Prophets and Writings’ to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts


Section A. Prophetic Books/Latter Prophets

  • The Book of Isaiah
  • The Book of Jeremiah
  • The Book of Ezekiel
  • The Book of Daniel
  • The Twelve (at least four in detail)

Section B. The Writings

  • Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah
  • The Book of Psalms
  • Wisdom Literature