PE014-512 – Biblical Theology of Work

Credit Points

12 Credit Points (CPS)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will

A. Know and understand

Demonstrate Foundational knowledge and understanding of the biblical theology of work and its historical and contemporary applications

B. Be able to

1. Outline the major themes of the biblical theology of work
2. Demonstrate skill in applying the biblical theology of work to workplace situations and issues
3. Present Organised evidence-based perspectives on the biblical theology of work and its applications

C. Be in a position to

1. Relating perspectives from the ‘Biblical Theology of Work’ to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts


Section A: The God of Work

(Genesis 1-2; metaphors in Psalms and Isaiah)

  • How has this idea of the “work” God approves of changed in Christian understanding over time?

Section B: The Work of God: Father, Son and Spirit

(Genesis 1, Ephesians 1, John 17)

  • How does contemporary understanding of the work of God: Father Son and Spirit compare with the biblical narrative?

Section C: Creation

(Genesis 1-2, Psalms, Isaiah 45, John 1, Romans 1 & 8)

  • Why has there been a link broken in our biblical understanding of creation, work and creativity?

Section D: Fall

(Genesis 3, Exodus 1 & 5, Ecclesiastes 2-3, Romans)

  • What is the extent of the Fall in terms of our working? On what theological basis have Christians portrayed opposing economic systems as perpetrators or examples of the Fall?

Section E: Redemption

(Ezekiel 36, 2 Chronicles 34, Psalm 90, Colossians 3:23, 1 Thessalonians 2)

  • On what biblical or theological basis do Christians tend to restrict the act of redemption to the state of the soul?

Section F: New Creation

(Isaiah 65, Revelation 21-22)

  • What has been the biblical or theological basis for differing views on the eschatology of work?